Gold Coast City Council
Australia's most populous regional city
Astrology chart, profile, books, links
Virgo Ascendant, Taurus Sun, Leo Moon, Grand Cross
AstroData: 15 May 1959, 14:00 (2pm) AEST (10hE), Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia. (Sy Scholfield [copyright] quotes news report. RR: B).
FEATURES: PERSONALIZED PLANETS: Aries ERIS (conjunct South Node; trine Moon; semi-square Sun).
PATTERNS: GRAND CROSS (Jupiter, Chiron, Sun, Pluto); CARDINAL T-SQUARE (Cancer venus opposite Capricorn Saturn, both square Aries Eris); GRAND TRINE (Neptune, Chiron, Venus).
Gold Coast, Wikipedia Biography [Astrology by Sy Scholfield]:
Gold Coast is a coastal city of Australia located in South East Queensland, 94km south of the state capital Brisbane. With a population approximately 540,000 in 2010, it is the second most populous city in the state, the sixth most populous city in the country, and also the most populous non-capital city in Australia. The Gold Coast also holds the title of the largest cross-state population of any metro area in Australia, due to its close proximity to Tweed Heads in NSW. The total metro area of the region is over 600,000 people, many of whom cross the border daily. In addition, the urban area of the Gold Coast has almost joined with the urban areas of Logan and Brisbane, some 50km north.
Gold Coast is known as a major tourist destination with its sunny subtropical climate, surfing beaches, canal and waterway systems, its high-rise dominated skyline, nightlife, and rainforest hinterland. Gold Coast will host the 2018 Commonwealth Games.
Read more at Wikipedia.